555 5 555 Theory - Was July 10th 2005 the start of the FIVE months of torment biblically prophesied as the "Appointed times"?
Revelation 9:5
5 And it was granted the [locusts], not to kill them, but that these should be tormented five months, and the torment upon them was as torment by a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to die but death keeps fleeing from them.
Subnote1: Rev 9:10 & Rev 9:5 "...FIVE months...Torment"
Subnote2: the term *Appointed times appears 23 times in the bible. (2+3 = 5)
Subnote3 to self: 21:24 = 2+1 x 2+4 = 3 x 6 or 3:6 or 36 = 36 = 3 x 6 or 666 = 18 = 9 (9 = 3+3+3 or 3+6 etc etc etc)
5th Chapter
5th Verse
5th Word
The fifth word in a Jehovah's Witness bible is:
2. 5 Months = May
3. 5 Weeks = JULY
4. 5 Days = July 10th*
5. 5 Hours
6. 5 Mins
7. 5 Seconds
Coincides with Three Freak events;
- Temple One Mission July 4th
- Tropical depression Number FIVE July 10th
- Suicide bombers London UK July 7th
Summary of part two
Temple one mission was a first for mankind ever! (Mark 13:1)!
Hurricane Emily was the Fifth tropical storm for July, a record (Revelation 7:1-5)!
Terrifying terrorist war is declared on the west (USA/Europe/Asia), by a Jihad movement (Mat 24:6)!
After many years 'spent' as a Jehovah's Witness, on May 11th 2005, I asked to be withdrawn as a *member* of the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society, (the financial and legal arm of the Jehovah's Witnesses).
Agape -Godly love, the love with want of no return, selfless love.
Storge -The love of friends.
Philia -The love of Family
Eros -Erotic love, sexual love etc.
This is simply a message of warning (if you will), to be strong and love God, you know who he is, as I do. All the ones loving God are the ones that right now will be re-assured, December 10th possibly be OK.
For God's very own name to appear as the 5th word, is almost overpowering evidence in itself, without needing to explain any more. But in case anyone is not familiar with the name Jehovah, or the significance of knowing the most powerful beings name, I'll briefly outline what I know.
Five fingers.
Five toes.
Five senses.
Five appendages to our torsos, 2 arms, 2 legs and one head.
Five openings on the front of our face.
- Ears would make two openings on the side of our head 5+2=7
- Cutting an apple across the middle, reveals a five pointed star.
- Five days are recognized by most, as Week days.
- The Weekend is two days, 5+2=7.
- Our years are broken into 365 days.
- Our time is divided by 5 minute time segments, seeing the numbers 23:59:59 in the hours and minutes at the end of the day.
- The comet Temple One, careens around an orbit between Mars and Earth every 5.5 years.
- Halleys Comet's orbit is once every 75 years
- The Superbeing of this universe, God, has coordinated prophetic events around the number Five
- Five is the very key to our God
- The coincidences are enormous and too amazing to dismiss.